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An aerial view of a lush green countryside

Permitted Development and Prior Approval Advice

Permitted development

Permitted development allows for certain types of work to be undertaken without obtaining planning permission, providing flexibility to homeowners and landowners. This includes extending houses, constructing outbuildings, fencing fields, creating access, and changing the use of buildings, among others.

However, navigating permitted development rights can be complex due to frequent changes by the government, along with various conditions and restrictions. Certain areas, such as Conservation Areas, National Parks, and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, may have stricter limitations or no permitted development rights at all. Additionally, listed buildings have different restrictions.

Top view of rural property
Plan of rural property

Restrictions on Permitted Development

Local councils can further restrict permitted development through planning conditions or Article 4 Directions. Identifying these limitations often requires thorough examination of council records.

To ensure compliance and record-keeping, it's advisable to obtain a certificate of lawfulness from the council if your project benefits from permitted development rights. Some rights necessitate a formal prior approval process, involving technical submissions to the council for assessment.

Our expertise extends to advising on all aspects of permitted development and prior approval, minimising your involvement in the planning process while maximising the utilisation of your rights.

Rural Planning

Case Studies

Examples of how we’ve recently helped clients with rural planning projects

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