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Case Study

Change of Use for Stables and Land in the Green Belt


22nd September 2017
Local Planning Authority

We recently secured planning permission for a change of use of agricultural land to equestrian including the erection of two new stables and storage facilities. Throughout the course of the determination stage there were objections from people in the vicinity and some concern was raised by the local planning authority who clearly struggled with the equine matters.

The site was in view of several listed buildings and an objection was made on behalf of one of the property owners claiming that there would be an impact on the setting of these listed buildings, which is one of the considerations when determining an application. There was also an objection from the conservation officer. As a result of these comments the design and siting of the building needed to be altered.

The new location required additional impact from an arboricultural surveyor to assess that development could take place without impacting on tree root protection areas. The applicant was also required to demonstrate the “very special circumstances” why planning permission should be granted. Green Belt policy is not supportive of proposals for new buildings unless they meet a qualified set of criteria. In this case, the “provision of outdoor sports and recreation” facilities was taken (incorrectly in our view) to be for public use and not private, and the planning case officer would not accept that the proposal met this policy.

The final outcome was a success and allowed the applicant to realise her lifelong dream of having her horses close to home.

Change of Use for Stables and Land in the Green Belt