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News & Insight

The National Planning Policy Framework update

20th July 2021
We are pleased to see the National Planning Policy Framework is updated with both the National Design Guide, and the National Model Design Code adopted alongside.

We truly appreciate a shift in focus on design quality and climate change, in particular the paragraph 131 which requires new streets to be tree-lined in recognition that trees make an important contribution to the character and quality of urban environments, and can also help mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Some changes are more subtle, but could have a considerable impact on application proposals, such as paragraph 80 e) (previously numbered 79e)) which no longer requires that isolated dwellings of exceptional quality be “innovative”.

We are looking forward to other updated planning policy and legislation documents which we anticipate will be released during the summer months.

Do not hesitate to contact our offices if you have any planning questions.

The Rural Planning Practice

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