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Case Study

Successful objection in the Cotswolds AONB


13th April 2021
Local Planning Authority
Cotswold District Council

This objection was made on behalf of our clients, where their residential amenity was nearly seriously compromised by the proposed development.

The proposal was not in keeping with the area especially as it adjoins a Conservation Area and within the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Furthermore, the proposal was unacceptable by virtue of its impact in terms of visual intrusion, dominance and loss of privacy to the detriment of the amenities of neighbouring residents.

Our team were able to demonstrate that the proposed development will result in harm to the AONB. We found that the application failed to meet policy requirements.

The authority asked the applicant to resubmit a design that was more appropriate, which was then approved.

Successful objection in the Cotswolds AONB
The Rural Planning Practice

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The Rural Planning Practice